
Darkest dungeon narrator soundboard
Darkest dungeon narrator soundboard

darkest dungeon narrator soundboard darkest dungeon narrator soundboard

Malign Inspiration: references the siren(seems the enchanted siren also hints to the game too), "The pact struck, my newfound accomplices slipped silently beneath the brackish water. Indefatigable Purpose: references not using a shovel to clear debris, "Without tools of iron, you must rely on flesh and indefatigable purpose." Imbuing it with the weight of my ambition, and my contempt for their crude extortion." The Weight of my Ambition: references the drowned crew(seems the captain in game also references the game), "While the greedy dogs slept off their revelry, I hexed their anchor with every twisted incantation I could muster. Trinkets and Baubles: references the wagon, "Trinkets and charms, gathered from all the forgotten corners of the earth" Gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moor."įlush them out: references the cleanse expedition, "These salt-soaked caverns are teeming with pelagic nightmares. You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial. Ruin has come: references the intro cinamatic, "Ruin has come to our family. But if you want me to post entire quotes, then ask. Bear in mind, I am not posting the entire quotes on some, as they are lengthy. In case anyone is curious, I will post which quotes are referenced. Comment by DrkgodzThe quest chain is a reference to the game Darkest Dungeon, based on the game's narrator's quotes.

Darkest dungeon narrator soundboard